DNA标记 - 实验方法 - 丁香通
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DNA 标记(主要内容如下) DNA Labeling by Nick Translation Random Primed Labeling End-Labeling Purification of Labeled DNA Non-isotopic Labeling Others DNA Labeling by Nick Translation§ DNA Labeling by Nick Translation (Ambros Lab) § Nick Translation (Worthington) § Nick Translation§ Nick Translation (Promega) § Nick Translation (Life Technologies)Random Primed Labeling・ Random Primer Labeling (Karl Clark) Prepare radioactively labeled DNA strands for the detection of target DNA or RNA sequences in usr/localious applications including Southern and northern blot hybridization. Detailed protocol for labeling, purification and determination of incorporation・ Random Primed Labelling with P32 (Molecular Genetics Network Lab)・ Random Primer Labeling (Worthington)・ Random Primer Labeling (Crawford Lab) ・ Random primer labeling (Amersham Pharmacia) ・ Random Primer DNA Labeling (Life Technologies) ・ Random Primer DNA labeling (Fermentas) Labeling of DNA by random oligonucleotide-primed synthesis・ Random Hexamer Labeling of cDNA Probes (PMCI Research) End-Labeling・ 5\'-End Oligo Fluorescence Labeling (Amersham Pharmacia) Labeling of oligonucleotides with a single fluorescein residue at the 5\' end ・ 5\' end labeling of oligonucleotides with gamma-32 P-ATP (Petra Klaff) Labeling and purification method in great detail ・ 3\'-end Labeling (Promega) ・ DNA Labeling using Klenow Fragment I (Lazo Lab) ・ End-labeling of DNA fragments Single end or double ends, can also be used for RNA・ Labeling of Oligonucleotides (PMCI Research) Label oligo with polynucleotide kinase. ・ Alkaline phosphatase labeling of oligos (Promega) Provides useful guide for preparing phosphatase conjugated oligos・ Kinase End-Labeling of DNA (Roe, OU)・ Endlabeling of DNA fragments with Klenow polymerase (Molecular Genetics Network Lab) ・ 5\'-end Labeling (Amersham Pharmacia) ・ Fill in Labeling of DNA (Mike A. Dyer) ・ 5\'-End Labeling (Fermentas) T4 polynucleotide kinase labeling (ds and ss DNA or RNA; protruding, recessed and blunt 5\'-ends) for (1)end labeling of DNA or RNA probes in DNA hybridization and DNA footprinting experiments, etc; (2)obtaining labeled molecular weight markers;(3)obtaining labeled molecular weight markers; (4)labelling of primers for sequencing; (5)addition of 5\'-phosphates to oligonucleotides to allow subsequent ligation. ・ Oligonucleotide labeling with 32 P (Hahn Lab) T4 polynucleotide kinase labeling Purification of Labeled DNA§ 5\' end labeling of oligonucleotides and purification (Petra Klaff) Labeling and purification method (ethanol and CTAB in great detail § Oligo Purification on Acrylamide Gels (Botwell Lab) Purification of labeled oligos ・ Sephadex G-50 Spin Column (gopher://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/ ) For purifying labeled probe ・ Spin Column chromatography (Schimenti Lab) Used to removed unincorporated nucleotides from labeling reactions. ・ Oligonucleotide Purification by PAGE and DEAE (Hahn Lab) ・ PAGE Purification of Oligonucleotides (Life Technologies) Protocol for PAGE Purification of Oligonucleotides Protocol for PAGE Purification of Oligonucleotides Oligonucleotides contaminated by significant amounts of aborted synthesis products (e.g., n-1,... Non-isotopic Labeling ・ PCR DNA Biotinylation (KPL) A rapid method for biotinylating DNA probes through incorporation of biotin-N4 -dCTP via a thermostable DNA polymerase in the polymerase chain reaction・ Determination of efficiency of digoxigenin labelling (Molecular Genetics Network Lab)・ Non-isotopic Labeling (Gottschling Lab) Protocols for preparing DNA, RNA probe and molecular markerOthers ・ PCR Products Labeling (Amersham) Guidelines for preparation of radioactively-labeled PCR products for use as probes 您知悉并同意,丁香通平台展示产品并非为平台自身产品,您发起询价或试用申请后,平台将会把您已提供或按要求提供的相关信息同步提供至所咨询的具体产品商家,由商家为您提供具体产品的价格咨询或产品试用注意事项及相关试用产品或完成相应购买,因此您知悉并授权平台将您的信息进行同步共享。您有权拒绝,但您知悉将无法参加询价或试用活动。
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发布于 : 2025-03-12