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国际标准分类法ICS_wu_07的专栏 -CSDN博客
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-12

        国际标准分类法(International ClassificationforStandards 简称ICS)是由国际标准化组织编制的标准文献分类法。 它主要用于国际标准、区域标准和国家标准以及相关标准化文献的分类、编目、订购与建库 从而促进国际标准、区域标准、国家标准以及其他标准化文献在世界范围的传播。 

ICS代码英文名称中文名称01 GENERALITIES. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION     综合、术语学、标准化、文献01.020 Terminology (principles and coordination)      术语学(原则和协调配合)01.040 Vocabularies         词汇01.040.01 Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Vocabularies) 综合、术语学、标准化、文献 (词汇)   01.040.03 Sociology. Services. Company organization and management. Administration. Transport 社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织与管理、行政、运输 (词汇)01.040.07 Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies)   数学、自然科学 (词汇) 01.040.11 Health care technology (Vocabularies)      医药卫生技术(词汇)01.040.13 Environment and health protection. Safety (Vocabularies) 环保、保健与安全 (词汇) 01.040.17 Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies)   计量学和测量、物理现象 (词汇)01.040.19 Testing (Vocabularies)      试验 (词汇) 01.040.21 Mechanical systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)机械系统和通用件 (词汇)01.040.23 Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies) 流体系统和通用件 (词汇)01.040.25 Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)     机械制造 (词汇)01.040.27 Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies) 能源和热传导工程 (词汇) 01.040.29 Electrical engineering (Vocabularies)     电气工程 (词汇) 01.040.31 Electronics (Vocabularies)       电子学 (词汇)01.040.33 Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering (Vocabularies) 电信、音频和视频技术 (词汇)01.040.35 Information technology. Office machines (Vocabularies)  信息技术、办公机械设备 (词汇)01.040.37 Image technology (Vocabularies)  成像技术 (词汇) 01.040.39 Precision mechanics. Jewelry (Vocabularies)  精密机械、珠宝 (词汇) 01.040.43 Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 道路车辆工程 (词汇)  01.040.45 Railway engineering (Vocabularies)    铁路工程 (词汇)01.040.47 Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies)  造船和海上建筑物 (词汇)01.040.49 Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 航空器和航天器技术 (词汇)01.040.53 Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies)  材料储运设备 (词汇) 01.040.55 Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies)  货物的包装和调运01.040.59 Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies)   纺织和皮革技术01.040.61 Clothing industry (Vocabularies)     服装工业(词汇)01.040.65 Agriculture (Vocabularies)      农业(词汇)01.040.67 Food technology (Vocabularies)     食品技术(词汇)01.040.71 Chemical technology (Vocabularies)     化工技术(词汇)01.040.73 Mining and minerals (Vocabularies)    采矿和矿产品(词汇)01.040.75 Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies)  石油及有关技术(词汇)01.040.77 Metallurgy (Vocabularies)     冶金(词汇)01.040.79 Wood technology (Vocabularies)    木材加工(词汇)01.040.81 Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies)  玻璃和陶瓷工业(词汇)01.040.83 Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies)  橡胶和塑料工业(词汇)01.040.85 Paper technology (Vocabularies)    造纸技术(词汇)01.040.87 Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies)  涂料和颜料工业(词汇)01.040.91 Construction materials and building (Vocabularies)  建筑材料和建筑物(词汇)01.040.93 Civil engineering (Vocabularies)    土木工程(词汇)01.040.95 Military engineering (Vocabularies)    军事工程01.040.97 Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sport (Vocabularies)家用和商用设备、体育、文娱(词汇)01.060 Quantities and units    量和单位01.070 Colour coding     颜色编码01.075 Character symbols     字符符号01.080 Graphical symbols     图形符号01.080.01 Graphical symbols in general   图形符号综合01.080.10 Public information symbols       公共信息符号01.080.20 Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment   专用设备用图形符号01.080.30 Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction drawings,diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation 机械工程和建筑制图、图表、设计图、地图和相关的技术产品文件用图形01.080.40 Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineering drawings,diagrams,charts and in relevant technical product documentation 电气工程和电子工程制图、示意图、图表和相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.50 Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunications technical drawings and in relevant technical product documentation 信息技术和电信技术制图与相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.99 Other graphical symbols     其他图形符号01.100 Technical drawings      技术制图01.100.01 Technical drawings in general    技术制图综合01.100.20 Mechanical engineering drawings     机械工程制图01.100.25 Electrical and electronics engineering drawings   电气和电子工程制图01.100.27 Technical drawings for telecommunications and information technology fields信息技术和电信领域用技术制图01.100.30 Construction drawings      工程建设制图01.100.40 Drawing equipment      制图设备01.100.99 Other standards related to technical drawings  其他制图标准01.110 Technical product documentation     技术产品文件01.120 Standardization. General rules     标准化总则01.140 Information sciences. Publishing     信息学、出版01.140.10 Writing and transliteration     文字字体与文字转写01.140.20 Information sciences      信息学01.140.30 Documents in   administration,   commerce and industry   行政管理、商业和工业文件01.140.40 Publishing       出版03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES. COMPANY ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT.ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输03.020 Sociology. Demography     社会学、人口统计学03.040 Labour. Employment     劳动、就业03.060 Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance  金融、银行、货币体系、保险03.080 Services      服务03.080.01 Services in general    服务综合03.080.10 Industrial services     工业服务03.080.20 Services for companies    公司(企业)的服务03.080.30 Services for consumers     消费者服务03.080.99 Other services      其他服务03.100 Company organization and management    公司(企业)的组织与管理03.100.01 Company organization and management in general  公司(企业)的组织与管理综合03.100.10 Purchasing. Procurement. Management of stock   订购、收购、仓库管理03.100.20 Trade. Commercial function. Marketing    贸易、商业活动、市场营销03.100.30 Management of human resources    劳动资源管理03.100.40 Research and development     研究与开发03.100.50 Production. Production management     生产、生产管理03.100.60 Accountancy       会计03.100.99 Other standards related to company organization and management有关公司(企业)组织管理的其他标准03.120 Quality       质量03.120.01 Quality in general     质量综合03.120.10 Quality management and quality assurance   质量管理和质量保证03.120.20 Product and company certification. Conformity assessment产品认证和机构认证、合格评定03.120.30 Application of statistical methods  统计方法的应用03.120.99 Other standards related to quality 有关质量的其他标准03.140 Patents. Intellectual property   专利、知识产权03.160 Law. Administration    法律、行政管理03.180 Education     教育03.200 Leisure. Tourism    娱乐、旅游03.220 Transport     运输03.220.01 Transport in general   运输综合03.220.20 Road transport    道路运输03.220.30 Transport by rail   铁路运输03.220.40 Transport by water   水路运输03.220.50 Air transport    航空运输03.220.99 Other forms of transport其他运输形式03.240 Postal services  邮政服务07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES 数学、自然科学07.020 Mathematics   数学07.030 Physics. Chemistry  物理学、化学07.040 Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography 天文学、大地测量学、地理学07.060 Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology 地质学、气象学、水文学07.080 Biology. Botany. Zoology 生物学、植物学、动物学07.100 Microbiology       微生物学07.100.01 Microbiology in general     微生物学综合07.100.10 Medical microbiology      医学微生物学07.100.20 Microbiology of water     水微生物学07.100.30 Food microbiology      食品微生物学07.100.99 Other standards related to microbiology   有关微生物学的其他标准11 HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY     医药卫生技术11.020 Medical Sciences and health care facilities in general医学科学和保健装置综合11.040 Medical equipment      医疗设备11.040.01 Medical equipment in general    医疗设备综合11.040.10    Anaesthetic,   respiratory and reanimation equipment    麻醉、呼吸和复苏设备11.040.20    Transfusion,   infusion and injection equipment    输血、输液和注射设备11.040.30 Surgical instruments and materials    外科器械和材料11.040.40 Implants for   surgery,   prosthetics and orthotics   外科植入物、假体和矫形11.040.50 Radiographic equipment      射线照相设备11.040.55 Diagnostic equipment      诊断设备11.040.60 Therapy equipment 治疗设备11.040.70 Ophthalmic equipment 眼科设备11.040.99 Other medical equipment其他医疗设备11.060 Dentistry  牙科11.060.01 Dentistry in general牙科综合11.060.10 Dental materials     牙科材料11.060.20 Dental equipment     牙科设备11.080 Sterilization and disinfection    消毒和灭菌11.080.01 Sterilization and disinfection in general  消毒和灭菌综合11.080.10 Sterilizing equipment     消毒设备11.080.20 Disinfectants and antiseptics    消毒剂和防腐剂11.080.30 sterilized packaging     封装消毒11.080.99 Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection有关消毒和灭菌的其他标准11.100 Laboratory medicine     实验室医学11.120 Pharmaceutics      制药学11.120.01 Pharmaceutics in general    制药学综合11.120.10 Medicaments      药物11.120.20 Medical materials     医用材料11.120.99 Other standards related to pharmaceutics  有关制药学的其他标准11.140 Hospital equipment     医院设备11.160 First aid     急救11.180 Aids for disabled or handicapped persons残疾人用设备11.200 Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives  人口控制、避孕器具11.220 Veterinary medicine    兽医学13 ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH PROTECTION. SAFETY  环保、保健与安全13.020 Environmental protection    环境保护13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general环境和环境保护综合13.020.10 Environmental management    环境管理13.020.20 Environmental economics    环境经济13.020.30 Environmental impact assessment   环境影响评定13.020.40    Pollution,   pollution control and conservation    污染、污染控制和保护13.020.50 Ecolabelling       环境分类13.020.60 Product life-cycles      产品寿命周期13.020.70 Environmental projects      环境规划13.020.99 Other standards related to environmental protection  有关环境的其他标准13.030 Wastes       废物13.030.01 Wastes in general     废物综合13.030.10 Solid wastes      固态废物13.030.20 Liquid wastes. Sludge     液态废物、污水13.030.30 Special wastes      特殊废物13.030.40 Installations and equipment for waste disposal and treatment废物处置和处理设备与装置13.030.50 Recycling       回收13.030.99 Other standards related to wastes 有关废物的其他标准13.040 Air quality    空气质量13.040.01 Air quality in general  空气质量综合13.040.20 Ambient atmospheres    环境空气13.040.30 Workplace atmospheres    工作场所空气13.040.40 Stationary source emissions   固定源排放限值13.040.50 Transport exhaust emissions   移动源排放限值13.040.99 Other standards related to air quality有关空气质量的其他标准13.060 Water quality    水质13.060.01 Water quality in general  水质综合13.060.10 Water of natural resources  天然水资源13.060.20 Drinking water    饮用水13.060.25 Water for industrial use  工业用水13.060.30 Sewage water    污水13.060.50 Examination of water for chemical substances水的化学物质检验13.060.60 Examination of physical properties of water水的物理性质检验13.060.70 Examination of biological properties of water水的生物性质检验13.060.99 Other standards related to water quality有关水质的其他标准13.080 Soil quality. Pedology   土质、土壤学13.080.01 Soil quality and pedology in general土质和土壤学综合13.080.10 Chemical characteristics of soils  土壤的化学特性13.080.20 Physical properties of soils    土壤的物理性质13.080.30 Biological properties of soils    土壤的生物性质13.080.40 Hydrological properties of soils    土壤的水文性质13.080.99 Other standards related to soils quality  有关土质的其他标准13.100 Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene    职业安全、工业卫生13.110 Safety of machinery     机械安全13.120 Domestic safety      家用品安全13.140 Noise with respect to human beings  噪声(与人有关的)13.160 Vibration and shock with respect to human beings振动和冲击(与人有关的)13.180 Ergonomics       人类工效学13.200 Accident and disaster control    事故和灾害控制13.220 Protection against fire     消防13.220.01 Protection against fire in general   消防综合13.220.10 Fire-fighting       灭火13.220.20 Fire-protection       防火13.220.40 Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products材料和制品的阻燃性和燃烧性能13.220.50 Fire-resistance of building materials and elements 建筑材料和构件的阻燃性13.220.99 Other standards related to protection against fire有关消防的其他标准13.230 Explosion protection     防爆13.240 Protection against excessive pressure   超压防护13.260 Protection against electric shock   电击防护13.280 Radiation protection    辐射防护13.300 Protection against dangerous goods  危险品防护13.310 Protection against crime   犯罪行为防范13.320 Alarm and warning systems  预警和报警系统13.340 Protective equipment    防护设备13.340.01 Protective equipment in general  防护设备综合13.340.10 Protective clothing    防护服装13.340.20 Head protective equipment   头部防护设备13.340.30 Respiratory protective devices   呼吸保护装置13.340.40 Protective gloves    防护手套13.340.50 Protective footwear    防护鞋袜13.340.99 Other protective equipment   其他防护设备17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA 计量学和测量、物理现象17.020 Metrology and measurement in general 计量学和测量综合17.040 Linear and angular measurements  长度和角度测量17.040.01 Linear and angular measurements in general长度和角度测量综合17.040.10 Limits and fits     公差与配合17.040.20 Properties of surfaces     表面特征17.040.30 Measuring instruments      测量仪器仪表17.040.99 Other standards related to linear and angular measurements有关长度和角度测量的其他标准17.060 Measurement of   volume,     mass,     density,   viscosity   体积、质量、密度和粘度的测量17.080 Measurement of   time,     velocity,     acceleration,   angular velocity  时间、速度、加速度、角速度的测量17.100 Measurement of   force,   weight and pressure   力、重力和压力的测量17.120 Measurement of fluid flow    流体流量的测量17.120.01 Measurement of fluid flow in general  流体流量的测量综合17.120.10 Flow in closed conduits    封闭管道中流量的测量17.120.20 Flow in open channels    明渠中流量的测量17.140 Acoustics and acoustic measurements   声学和声学测量17.140.01 Acoustics measurements and noise abatement in general声学测量和噪声抑制综合17.140.20 Noise emitted by machines and equipment 机器和设备的噪声17.140.30 Noise emitted by means of transport 运输工具的噪声17.140.50 Electroacoustics      电声学17.140.99 Other standards related to acoustics  有关声学的其他标准17.160    Vibrations,   shock and vibration measurements   振动、冲击和振动测量17.180 Optics and optical measurements   光学和光学测量17.180.01 Optics and optical measurements in general 光学和光学测量综合17.180.20 Colours and measurement of light  颜色和光的测量17.180.30 Optical measuring instruments     光学测量仪器17.180.99 Other standards related to optics and optical measurements有关光学和光学测量的其他标准17.200 Thermodynamics and temperature measurements    热力学和温度测量17.200.01 Thermodynamics in general     热力学综合17.200.10 Heat. Calorimetry      热、量热学17.200.20 Temperature-measuring instruments      温度测量仪器仪表17.200.99 Other standards related to thermodynamics   有关热力学的其他标准17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements  电学、磁学、电和磁的测量17.220.01 Electricity. Magnetism. General aspects    电学、磁学一般特性17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities  电和磁量值的测量17.220.99 Other standards related to electricity and magnetism 有关电学和磁学的其他标准17.240 Radiation measurements      辐射测量19 TESTING       试验19.020 Test conditions and procedures in general  试验条件和规程综合19.040 Environmental testing      环境试验19.060 Mechanical testing      机械试验19.080 Electrical and electronic testing电工和电子试验19.100 Non-destructive testing     无损检测19.120 Particle size analysis. sieving   粒度分析、筛分21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERAL USE机械系统和通用件21.020 Characteristics and design of   machines,     apparatus,   equipment 机器、装置、设备的特性和设计21.040 Screw threads    螺纹21.040.01 Screw threads in general  螺纹综合21.040.10 Metric screw threads   米制螺纹21.040.20 Inch screw threads   英制螺纹21.040.30 Special screw threads   特殊螺纹21.060 Fasteners     紧固件21.060.01 Fasteners in general   紧固件综合21.060.10    Bolts,     screws,   studs    螺栓、螺钉、螺柱21.060.20 Nuts     螺母21.060.30    Washers,   locking elements    垫圈、锁紧件21.060.40 Rivets     铆钉21.060.50    Pins,   nails     销、钉21.060.60    Rings,     bushes,     sleeves,   collars   环、套管、管接头、承插21.060.70 Clamps and staples   卡箍和U形环21.060.99 Other fasteners    其他紧固件21.080    Hinges,   eyelets and other articulated joints 铰链、孔眼和其他关节连接件21.100 Bearings    轴承21.100.01 Bearings in general  轴承综合21.100.10 Plain bearings   滑动轴承21.100.20 Rolling bearings   滚动轴承21.120 Shafts and couplings  轴和联轴器21.120.01 Shafts and couplings in general轴和联轴器综合21.120.10 Shafts    轴21.120.20 Couplings      联轴器、离合器、磨擦器21.120.30 Keys and   keyways,   splines    键和键槽、花键21.120.40 Balancing and balancing machines   平衡和平衡机21.120.99 Other standards related to shafts and couplings有关轴和联轴器的其他标准21.140    Seals,   glands      密封件、密封装置21.160 Springs      弹簧21.180    Housings,     enclosures,   other machine parts   机箱、外壳、其他机械部件21.200 Gears      齿轮及齿轮传动21.220 Flexible drives and transmissions   挠性传动和传送21.220.01 Flexible drives and transmissions in general 挠性传动和传送综合21.220.10 Belt drives and their components  带传动及其零件21.220.20 Cable or rope drives and their components缆索或绳索传动及其零件21.220.30 Chain drives and their components  链传动及其零件21.220.99 Other flexible drives and transmissions  其它挠性传动和传送21.240 Rotary-reciprocating mechanisms and their parts  旋转-往复式机构及其部件21.260 Lubrication systems     润滑系统23 FLUID SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERAL USE流体系统和通用件23.020 Fluid storage devices    流体存储装置23.020.01 Fluid storage devices in general  流体存储装置综合23.020.10 Stationary containers and tanks   固定容器和罐23.020.20 Vessels and containers mounted on vehicles 车载槽罐和容器23.020.30 Pressure   vessels,   gas cylinders    压力容器、气瓶23.020.40 Cryogenic vessels     低温容器23.020.99 Other fluid storage devices   其他流体存储装置23.040 Pipeline components and pipelines   管道部件和管道23.040.01 Pipeline components and pipelines in general 管道部件和管道综合23.040.10 Iron and steel pipes   铁管和钢管23.040.15 Non-ferrous metal pipes   有色金属管23.040.20 Plastics pipes    塑料管23.040.40 Metal fittings    金属配件23.040.45 Plastics fittings    塑料配件23.040.50 Pipes and fittings of other materials其他材料的管和配件23.040.60    Flanges,   couplings and joints   法兰、管接头及其连接件23.040.70 Hoses and hose assemblies  软管和软管组件23.040.80 Seals for pipe and hose assemblies管和软管组件的密封23.040.99 Other pipeline components  其他管道部件23.060 Valves    阀门23.060.01 Valves in general  阀门综合23.060.10 Globe valves   球阀23.060.20 Ball and plug valves 球闸阀和旋塞阀23.060.30 Gate valves   闸阀23.060.40 Pressure regulators   压力调节器23.060.50 Check valves   止回阀23.060.99 Other valves   其他阀门23.080 Pumps    泵23.100 Fluid power systems  流体动力系统23.100.01 Fluid power systems in general流体动力系统综合23.100.10 Pumps and motors  泵和马达23.100.20 Cylinders    缸23.100.40 Piping and couplings  管道和管接头23.100.50 Control components   控制部件23.100.60    Filters,   seals and contamination of fluids 过滤器、密封垫和流体杂质23.100.99 Other fluid power system components 其他流体系统部件23.120 Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners   通风机、风扇、空调器23.140 Compressors and pneumatic machines压缩机和气动机械23.160 Vacuum technology  真空技术25 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING   机械制造25.020 Manufacturing forming processes  制造成型过程25.040 Industrial automation systems  工业自动化系统25.040.01 Industrial automation systems in general工业自动化系统综合25.040.10 Machining centres   机械加工中心25.040.20 Numerically controlled machines  数控机床25.040.30 Industrial robots. Manipulators  工业机器人、机械手25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control工业过程的测量与控制25.040.99 Other industrial automation systems 其他工业自动化系统25.060 Machine tool systems  机床装置25.060.01 Machine tool systems in general机床装置综合25.060.10 Modular units and other devices组合单元和其他装置25.060.20 Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices分度和刀具/工件夹持装置25.060.99 Other machine tool systems 其他机床装置25.080 Machine tools   机床25.080.01 Machine tools in general 机床综合25.080.10 Lathes   车床25.080.20 Boring and milling machines镗床和铣床25.080.25 Planing machines  刨床25.080.30 Broaching machines  拉床25.080.40 Drilling machines  钻床25.080.50 Grinding and polishing machines磨床和抛光机25.080.60 Sawing machines  锯床25.080.99 Other machine tools 其他机床25.100 Cutting tools  切削工具25.100.01 Cutting tools in general  切削工具综合25.100.10 Turning tools    车刀25.100.20 Milling tools    铣刀25.100.25 Tools for planing and broaching machines刨床、拉床用刀具25.100.30    Drills,     countersinks,   reamers    钻头、锪钻、铰刀25.100.40 Saws     锯25.100.50 Taps and threading dies  丝锥和板牙25.100.60 Files     锉刀25.100.70 Abrasives     磨料磨具25.100.99 Other cutting tools   其他切削刀具25.120 Chipless working equipment   无屑加工设备25.120.01 Chipless working equipment in general 无屑加工设备综合25.120.10 Forging equipment. Presses. Shears  锻压设备、冲压机、剪切机25.120.20    Rolling,   extruding and drawing equipment  轧制、挤压和拉制设备25.120.30 Moulding equipment    模制设备和铸造设备25.120.40 Electrochemical machines    电化学加工机床25.120.99 Other chipless working equipment  其他无屑加工设备25.140 Hand-held tools    手持工具25.140.01 Hand-held tools in general  手持工具综合25.140.10 Pneumatic tools    气动工具25.140.20 Electric tools    电动工具25.140.30 Hand-operated tools    手动工具25.140.99 Other hand-held tools   其他手持工具25.160    Welding,   brazing and soldering   焊接、钎焊和低温焊25.160.01    Welding,   brazing and soldering in general 焊接、钎焊和低温焊综合25.160.10 Welding processes    焊接工艺25.160.20 Welding consumables    焊接消耗品25.160.30 Welding equipment  焊接设备25.160.40 Welded joints  焊接接头25.160.50 Brazing and soldering 钎焊和低温焊25.180 Industrial furnaces  工业炉25.180.01 Industrial furnaces in general工业炉综合25.180.10 Electric furnaces  电炉25.180.20 Fuel furnaces     燃油炉25.200 Heat treatment and coating   热处理25.220 Surface treatment and coating   表面处理和涂覆25.220.01 Surface treatment and coating in general 表面处理和涂覆综合25.220.10 Surface preparation     表面预处理25.220.20 Surface treatment     表面处理25.220.40 Metallic coatings     金属镀层25.220.50 Enamels      搪瓷25.220.60 Organic coatings     有机涂层25.220.99 Other treatments and coatings   其他处理和涂覆27 ENERGY AND HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING  能源和热传导工程27.010 Energy and heat transfer engineering in general能源和热传导工程综合27.020 Internal combustion engines    内燃机27.040 Gas and steam   turbines,   Steam engines  燃气和蒸汽轮机、蒸汽机27.060 Burners. Boilers     燃烧器、锅炉27.060.01 Burners and Boilers in general  燃烧器、锅炉综合27.060.10 Liquid and solid fuel burners液体和固体燃料燃烧器27.060.20 Gas fuel burners  气体燃料燃烧器27.060.30 Boilers and heat exchangers 锅炉和热交换器27.070 Fuel cells   燃料电池27.080 Heat pumps   热泵27.100 Power stations in general     电站综合27.120 Nuclear energy engineering      核能工程27.120.01 Nuclear energy in general     核能综合27.120.10 Reactor engineering       反应堆工程27.120.20 Nuclear power plants. Safety     核电站、安全27.120.30 Fissile materials       裂变物质27.120.99 Other standards related to nuclear energy   有关核能的其他标准27.140 Hydraulic energy engineering      水力工程27.160 Solar energy engineering      太阳能工程27.180 Wind turbine systems and other alternative sources of energy风力发电系统和其他能源27.200 Refrigerating technology       制冷技术27.220 Heat recovery. Thermal insulation     热回收、绝热29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING       电气工程29.020 Electrical engineering in general     电气工程综合29.030 Magnetic materials       磁性材料29.035 Insulating materials       绝缘材料29.035.01 Insulating materials in general 绝缘材料综合29.035.10 Paper and board insulating materials纸和纸板绝缘材料29.035.20 Plastics and rubber insulating materials塑料和橡胶绝缘材料29.035.30 Ceramic and glass insulating materials陶瓷和玻璃绝缘材料29.035.50 Mica based materials  云母基材料29.035.60 Varnished fabrics   涂层织物29.035.99 Other insulating materials  其他绝缘材料29.040 Insulating fluids   绝缘流体29.040.01 Insulating fluids in general 绝缘流体综合29.040.10 Insulating oils   绝缘油29.040.20 Insulating gases   绝缘气体29.040.99 Other insulating fluids   其他绝缘流体29.045 Semiconducting materials    半导体材料29.050 Conducting materials    导体材料29.060 Electrical wires and cables  电线和电缆29.060.01 Electrical wires and cables in general电线和电缆综合29.060.10 Wires     电线29.060.20 Cables     电缆29.080 Insulation     绝缘29.080.01 Electrical insulation in general  电绝缘综合29.080.10 Insulators     绝缘子29.080.20 Bushings     套管29.080.30 Insulation systems    绝缘系统29.080.99 Other standards related to insulation 有关绝缘的其他标准29.100 Components for electrical equipment  电工设备元件29.100.01 Components for electrical equipment in general电工设备元件综合29.100.10 Magnetic components    磁性元件29.100.20 Electrical and electromechanical components  电工和机电元件29.100.99 Other components for electrical equipment 电工设备用其他元件29.120 Electrical accessories    电工器件29.120.01 Electrical accessories in general  电工器件综合29.120.10 Conduits for electrical purposes  导线管29.120.20 Connecting devices    连接装置29.120.30    Plugs,     socket-outlets,   couplers    插头、插座、联接器29.120.40 Switches     开关29.120.50 Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices熔断器和其他过载保护装置29.120.70 Relays     继电器29.120.99 Other electrical accessories其他电工器件29.130.01 Switchgear and controlgear in general开关装置和控制器综合29.130.10 High voltage switchgear and controlgear高压开关装置和控制器29.130.20 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear低压开关装置和控制器29.130.99 Other switchgear and controlgear 其他开关装置和控制器29.140 Lamps and related equipment  电灯及有关装置29.140.01 Lamps in general   电灯综合29.140.10 Lamp caps and holders  灯头和灯座29.140.20 Incandescent lamps    白炽灯29.140.30 Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps  荧光灯、放电灯29.140.40 Luminaires     照明设备29.140.50 Lighting installation systems   照明安装系统29.140.99 Other standards related to lamps 有关灯的其他标准29.160 Rotating machinery    旋转电机29.160.01 Rotating machinery in general  旋转电机综合29.160.10 Components for rotating machines  旋转电机部件29.160.20 Generators     发电机29.160.30 Motors     电动机29.160.40 Generating sets    发电机组29.160.99 Other standards related to rotating machinery有关旋转电机的其他标准29.180 Transformers. Reactors    变压器、电抗器29.200 Rectifiers. Convertors. Stabilized power supply 整流器、转换器、稳压电源29.220 Galvanic cells and batteries  电池和蓄电池29.220.01 Galvanic cells and batteries in general电池和蓄电池综合29.220.10 Primary cells and batteries  原电池和蓄电池29.220.20 Acid secondary cells and batteries 酸性副电池及蓄电池29.220.30 Alkaline secondary cells and batteries 碱性副电池及蓄电池29.220.99 Other cells and batteries  其他电池和蓄电池29.240 Power transmission and distribution networks    输电网和配电网29.240.01 Power transmission and distribution networks in general  输电网和配电网综合29.240.10 Substations. Surge arresters      变电站、电涌放电器29.240.20 Power transmission and distribution lines    输电线路和配电线路29.240.30 Control equipment for electric power systems   电力系统用控制设备29.240.99 Other equipment related to power transmission and distribution networks其他有关输电网和配电网的设备29.260 Electrical equipments for working in special conditions  特殊工作条件用电气设备29.260.01 Electrical equipments for working in special conditions in general特殊工作条件用电气设备综合29.260.10 Electrical installations for outdoor use    户外用电气设备29.260.20 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres    易爆环境用电气设备29.260.99 Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions 特殊工作条件用其他电气设备29.280 Electric traction equipment      电力牵引设备31 ELECTRONICS        电子学31.020 Electronic components in general     电子元件综合31.040 Resistors   电阻器31.040.01 Resistors in general 电阻器综合31.040.10 Fixed resistors  固定电阻器31.040.20    Protentiometer,   variable resistors  电位器、可变电阻器31.040.30 Thermistors   热敏电阻器31.040.99 Other resistors  其他电阻器31.060 Capacitors   电容器31.060.01 Capacitors in general 电容器综合31.060.10 Fixed capacitors  固定电容器31.060.20 Ceramic and mica capacitors陶瓷电容器和云母电容器31.060.30 Paper and plastics capacitors纸介电容器和塑料膜电容器31.060.40 Tantalum electrolytic capacitors 钽电解电容器31.060.50 Aluminium electrolytic capacitors 铝电解电容器31.060.60 Variable capacitors  可变电容器31.060.70 Power capacitors  电力电容器31.060.99 Other capacitors  其他电容器31.080 Semiconductor devices  半导体器件31.080.01 Semiconductor devices in general半导体器件综合31.080.10 Diodes   二极管31.080.20 Thyristors   晶体闸流管31.080.30 Transistors   三极管31.080.99 Other semiconductor devices    其他半导体器件31.100 Electronic tubes     电子管31.120 Electronic display devices    电子显示器件31.140 Piezoelectric and dielectric devices   压电器件和介质器件31.160 Electric filters     滤波器31.180 Printed circuits and boards   印制电路和印制电路板31.190 Electric component assemblies    电子器件组件31.200 Integrated circuits. Microelectronics    集成电路、微电子学31.220 Electromechanical components for electronic and telecommunications equipment电子电信设备用机电零部件31.220.01 Electromechanical components in general   机电零部件综合31.220.10 Plug-and-socket devices. Connectors    插头和插座装置、连接器31.220.20 Switches      开关31.220.99 Other electromechanical components    其他机电零部件31.240 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment  电子设备用机械构件31.260 Optoelectronics. Laser equipment    光电子学、激光设备33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO ENGINEERING  电信、音频和视频技术33.020 Telecommunications in general电信综合33.030 Telecommunication services. Applications电信业务、应用33.040 Telecommunication systems 电信系统33.040.01 Telecommunication systems in general电信系统综合33.040.20 Transmission systems  传输系统33.040.30 Switching and signalling systems   交换和信令系统33.040.35 Telephone networks     电话网络33.040.40 Data communication networks    数据通信网络33.040.50    Lines,   connections and circuits    线路、连接和电路33.040.99 Other equipment for telecommunication systems  其他电话、电报和电信系统用设备33.050 Telecommunication terminal equipment    电信终端设备33.050.01 Telecommunication terminal equipment in general  电信终端设备综合33.050.10 Telephone equipment     电话设备33.050.20 Paging equipment     寻呼设备33.050.30 Equipment for   telex,     teletext,   telefax   用户电报、可视图文、传真设备33.050.99 Other telecommunication terminal equipment   其他电信终端设备33.060 Radiocommunications      无线通信33.060.01 Radiocommunications in general    无线通信综合33.060.20 Receiving and transmitting equipment   接收和发射设备33.060.30 Radio relay and fixed satellite communications systems无线中继和固定卫星通信系统33.060.40 Cabled distribution systems    电缆分配系统33.060.60 Mobile   services,   Terrestrial Trunked Radio(TETRA)   移动业务、地面无线中继线路33.060.65 Mobile   services,   paging systems    移动业务、寻呼系统33.060.70 Mobile   services,   Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications(DECT)  移动业务、数字增强无绳电信系统(DECT)33.060.75 Mobile   services,   Satellite     移动业务、卫星33.060.80 Mobile   servies,   Global System for Mobile Communication(GSM) 移动业务、移动通信用全球系统(GSM)33.060.99 Other equipment for radiocommunications   其他无线通信设备33.080 Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN)   综合业务数字网(ISDN)33.100 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)     电磁兼容性(EMC)33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general   电磁兼容性综合33.100.10 Emission      发射33.100.20 Immunity      抗扰性33.100.99 Other aspects related to EMC  有关电磁兼容性的其他方面33.120 Components and accessories for telecommunications equipment 电信设备用部件和附件33.120.01 Components and accessories in general  部件和附件综合33.120.10 Coaxial cables. Waveguides    同轴电缆、波导33.120.20 Wires and symmetrical cables   导线和对称电缆33.120.30 R.F. connectors     射频连接器33.120.40 Aerials      天线33.120.99 Other components and accessories   其他部件和附件33.140 Special measuring equipment for use in telecommunications电信专用测量设备33.160    audio,   video and audiovisual engineering   音频、视频和视听工程33.160.01    audio,   video and audiovisual systems in general 音频、视频和视听系统综合33.160.10 Amplifiers      放大器33.160.20 Radio receivers     无线电接收机33.160.25 Television receivers     电视接收机33.160.30 Audio systems     音频系统33.160.40 Video systems     视频系统33.160.50 Accessories      附件33.160.60 Multimedia systems and teleconferencing equipment  多媒体系统和电话会议设备33.160.99 Other   audio,   video and audiovisual equipment  其他音频、视频和视听设备33.170 Television and radio broadcasting   电视播放和无线电广播33.180 Fibre optic communications    光纤通信33.180.01 Fibre optic systems in general  光纤系统综合33.180.10 Fiber and cables    光纤和光缆33.180.20 Fiber optic interconnecting devices   光纤连接器33.180.30 Optic amplifiers     光放大器33.180.99 Other fiber optic equipment 其他光纤设备33.200 Telecontrol. Telemetering   遥控、遥测、遥感35 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. OFFICE MACHINES 信息技术、办公机械设备35.020 Information technology (IT) in general信息技术(IT)综合35.040 Character sets and information coding字符集和信息编码35.060 Languages used in information technology信息技术用语言35.080 Software development and system documentation 软件开发和系统文件35.100 Open systems interconnection(OSI)   开放系统互连(OSI)35.100.01 Open systems interconnection in general 开放系统互连(OSI)综合35.100.05 Multilayer applications    多层应用35.100.10 Physical layer    物理层35.100.20 Data link layer   数据链路层35.100.30 Network layer    网络层35.100.40 Transport layer    运输层35.100.50 Session layer    会话层35.100.60 Presentation layer    表示层35.100.70 Application layer    应用层35.110 Networking     网络35.140 Computer graphics    计算机图形技术35.160 Microprocessor systems    微处理机系统35.180 IT Terminal and other peripheral equipmentIT终端和其他外围设备35.200 Interface and interconnection equipment  接口和互连设备35.220 Data storage devices  数据存储设备35.220.01 Data storage devices in general数据存储设备综合35.220.10 Paper cards and tapes 纸卡和纸带35.220.20 Magnetic storage devices in general磁存储设备综合35.220.21 Magnetic disks   磁盘35.220.22 Magnetic tapes     磁带35.220.23 Cassettes and cartridges for magnetic tapes 盒式磁带和磁带盒35.220.30 Optical storage devices    光学存储设备35.220.99 Other data storage devices   其他数据存储装置35.240 Applications of information technology   信息技术应用35.240.01 Applications of information technology in general 信息技术应用综合35.240.10 Computer-aided design (CAD)    计算机辅助设计(CAD)35.240.15 Identification cards and related devices  识别卡和有关装置35.240.20 IT applications in office work  信息技术在办公中的应用35.240.30 IT applications in   information,   documentation and publishing 信息技术在信息、文献和出版中的应用35.240.40 IT applications in banking   信息技术在银行中的应用35.240.50 IT applications in industry   信息技术在工业上的应用35.240.60 IT applications in transport and trade 信息技术在运输和贸易中的应用35.240.70 IT applications in science   信息技术在自然科学中的应用35.240.80 IT applications in health care technology 信息技术(IT)在保健技术中的应用35.240.99 IT applications in other fields  信息技术在其他领域中的应用35.260 Office machines   办公机械37 IMAGE TECHNOLOGY   成像技术37.020 Optical equipment   光学设备37.040 Photography    摄影技术37.040.01 Photography in general  摄影技术综合37.040.10 Photographic equipment. Projectors  摄影设备、投影仪37.040.20 Photographic   paper,   films and cartridges 相纸、胶卷和暗盒37.040.25 Radiographic films   射线照相胶片37.040.30 Photographic chemicals   摄影用药品37.040.99 Other standards related to photography有关摄影技术的其他标准37.060 Cinematography    电影37.060.01 Cinematography in general   电影综合37.060.10 Motion picture equipment   电影设备37.060.20 Motion picture films. Cartridges  电影胶片、暗盒37.060.99 Other standards related to cinematography 有关电影的其他标准37.080 Document imaging applications   文献成象技术37.100 Graphic technology    印制技术37.100.01 Graphic technology in general  印制技术综合37.100.10 Reproduction equipment    印刷、复制设备37.100.20 Materials for graphic technology  印制材料37.100.99 Other standards related to graphic technology有关印刷技术的其他标准39 PRECISION MECHANICS. JEWELLERY  精密机械、珠宝39.020 Precision mechanics   精密机械39.040 Horology    钟表学39.040.01 Horology in general  钟表学综合39.040.10 Watches    手表39.040.20 Clocks    钟39.040.99 Other time-measuring instruments  其他计时仪器39.060 Jewellery    珠宝43 ROAD VEHICLES ENGINEERING  道路车辆工程43.020 Road vehicles in general 道路车辆综合43.040 Road vehicle systems  道路车辆装置43.040.01 Road vehicle systems in general道路车辆装置综合43.040.10 Electrical and electronic equipment 电气和电子设备43.040.20 Lighting signalling and warning devices照明、信号和报警设备43.040.30 Indicating and control devices 指示和控制装置43.040.40 Braking systems   制动系统43.040.50    Transmissions,   suspensions 传动装置、悬挂装置43.040.60 Bodies and body components  车身及车身附件43.040.70 Couplings     联轴器43.040.99 Other road vehicle systems  其他道路车辆装置43.060 Internal combustion engines for road vehicles道路车辆内燃机43.060.01 Internal combustion engines for road vehicles in general道路车辆内燃机综合43.060.10 Engine block and internal components   气缸体和内部组件43.060.20 Pressure charging and air/exhaust gas ducting systems 增压冲气、进气/排气管路系统43.060.30 Cooling systems. Lubricating systems    冷却系统、润滑系统43.060.40 Fuel systems      燃油系统43.060.50 Electrical equipment. Control systems    电气设备、控制系统43.060.99 Other components and systems of internal combustion engines其他内燃机装置和组件43.080 Commercial vehicles      商用车辆43.080.01 Commercial vehicles in general    商用车辆综合43.080.10 Trucks and trailers     卡车和挂车43.080.20 Buses       客车43.080.99 Other commercial vehicles     其他商用车辆43.100 Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers  旅行客车、篷车和轻型挂车43.120 Electric road vehicles     电车43.140 Motorcycles and mopeds     摩托车和机动自行车43.150 cycles       自行车43.160 Special purpose vehicles   专用汽车43.180    Diagnostic,   maintenance and test equipment  检查、维修和试验设备45 RAILWAY ENGINEERING    铁路工程45.020 Railway engineering in general  铁路工程综合45.040 Materials and components for railway engineering铁路工程材料和零件45.060 Railway rolling stock   铁路车辆45.060.01 Railway rolling stock in general 铁路车辆综合45.060.10 Tractive stock      机车45.060.20 Trailing stock      车辆45.080 Rails and railway components    钢轨和线路构件45.100 Cableway equipment      架空索道设备45.120 Equipment for railway/cableway construction and maintenance  铁路/架空索道建筑和维护设备47 SHIPBUILDING AND MARINE STRUCTURES    造船和海上建筑物47.020 Shipbuilding and marine structures in general  船舶和海上建筑物综合47.020.01 General standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures造船和海上建筑通用标准47.020.05 Materials and components for shipbuilding   造船用材料和零件47.020.10 Hulls and their structure elements   船体及其构件47.020.20 Marine engines and propulsion systems   船用发动机和推进系统47.020.30 Piping systems      管路系统47.020.40 Lifting and cargo handling equipment   起重设备和货物搬运设备47.020.50 Deck equipment and installations    甲板设备和装置47.020.60 Electrical equipment of ships and of marine structures船用电气设备47.020.70 Navigation and control equipment    导航和控制设备47.020.80 Accommodation spaces      起居舱室47.020.85 Cargo spaces      货舱47.020.90 Marine   ventilation,   air-conditioning and heating systems   船用通风、空气调节和供热系统47.020.99 Other standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures有关造船和海上建筑的其他标准47.040 Seagoing vessels      远洋轮47.060 Inland navigation vessels     内河船47.080 Small craft      小型船49 AIRCRAFT AND SPACE VEHICLE ENGINEERING   航空器和航天器工程49.020 Aircraft and space vehicles in general  航空器与航天器综合49.025 Materials for aerospace construction    航空航天制造用材料49.025.01 Materials for aerospace construction in general  航空航天制造用材料综合49.025.05 Ferrous alloys in general黑色金属合金综合49.025.10 Steels   钢49.025.15 Non-ferrous alloys in general有色金属合金综合49.025.20 Aluminium   铝49.025.30 Titanium   钛49.025.40 Rubber and plastics 橡胶和塑料49.025.50 Adhesives   粘合剂49.025.60 Textiles   织物49.025.99 Other materials      其他材料49.030 Fasteners for aerospace construction    航空航天制造用紧固件49.030.01 Fasteners in general     紧固件综合49.030.10 Screw threads      螺纹49.030.20    Bolts,     screws,   studs      螺栓、螺钉、螺柱49.030.30 Nuts       螺母49.030.40    Pins,   nails       销钉、铁钉49.030.50 Washers and other locking elements   垫圈和其他锁紧元件49.030.60 Rivets       铆钉49.030.99 Other fasteners      其他紧固件49.035 Components for aerospace construction    航空航天用零部件49.040 Coatings and related processes used in aerospace industry有关航空航天制造用涂覆与有关工艺49.045 Structure and structure elements    结构和结构元件49.050 Aerospace engines and propulsion systems   航空航天发动机和推进系统49.060 Aerospace electric equipment and systems   航空航天用电气设备与系统49.080 Aerospace fluid systems and components   航空航天用流体系统和零部件49.090 On-board equipment and instruments 机上设备和仪器49.095 Passenger and cabin equipment 客运设备和座舱设备49.100 Ground service and maintenance equipment地面服务和维修设备49.120 Cargo equipment  货运设备49.140 Space systems and operations航天系统和操作装置53 MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT  材料储运设备53.020 Lifting equipment   起重设备53.020.01 Lifting appliances in general 起重设备综合53.020.20 Cranes    起重机53.020.30 Accessories for lifting equipment 起重设备附件53.020.99 Other lifting equipment  其他起重设备53.040 Continuous handling equipment  连续搬运设备53.040.01 Continuous handling equipment in general连续搬运设备综合53.040.10 Conveyors    输送机53.040.20 Components for conveyors  输送机零部件53.040.30 Pneumatic transport and its components气动运输及其零部件53.040.99 Other continuous handling equipment 其他连续搬运设备53.060 Industrial trucks   工业车辆53.080 Storage equipment   储藏设备53.100 Earth-moving machinery   土方机械53.120 Equipment for manual handling 手工搬运工具55 PACKAGING AND DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS  货物的包装和调运55.020 Packaging and distribution of goods in general货物的包装和调运综合55.040 Packaging materials and accessories   包装材料和辅助物55.060    Spools,   Bobbins      卷轴、线轴55.080 Sacks. Bags     麻袋、袋子55.100 Bottles. Pots. Jars    瓶、罐、瓮55.120 Cans. Tins. Tubes    罐、听、管55.130 Aerosol containers     雾化剂罐55.140 Barrels. Drums. Canisters    粗腰桶、桶、罐等55.160 Cases. Boxes. Crates     箱、盒、板条箱55.180 Freight distribution of goods    货运调运55.180.01 Freight distribution of goods in general  货运调运综合55.180.10 General purpose containers     通用集装箱55.180.20 General purpose pallets     通用托盘55.180.30 Air mode   containers,   pallets and nets   空运集装箱、托盘和网55.180.40    Complete,   filled transport packages     满装和整装运输包55.180.99 Other standards related to freight distribution of goods有关货物调运的其他标准55.200 Packaging machinery      包装机械55.220 Storing. Warehousing      堆栈、仓储55.230 Distribution and vending machines    发售机和自动售货机59 TEXTILE AND LEATHER TECHNOLOGY    纺织和皮革技术59.020 Processes of the textile industry纺织工艺59.040 Textile auxiliary materials  纺织辅助材料59.060 Textile fibres   纺织纤维59.060.01 Textile fibres in general 纺织纤维综合59.060.10 Natural fibres   天然纤维59.060.20 Man-made fibres   人造纤维59.060.30 Mineral and metal fibres 矿物纤维和金属纤维59.060.99 Other textile fibres  其他纺织纤维59.080 Products of the textile industry纺织产品59.080.01 Textiles in general  纺织产品综合59.080.20 Yarns    纱线59.080.30 Textile fabrics   纺织物59.080.40 Coated fabrics   涂覆织物59.080.50 Ropes    绳59.080.60 Textile floor coverings  铺地织物59.080.70 Geotextiles       土工布59.080.99 Other products of the textile industry  其他纺织产品标准59.100 Materials for the reinforcement of composites  复合增强材料59.100.01 Materials for the reinforcement of composites in general复合增强材料综合59.100.10 Textile glass materials     纺织玻璃纤维材料59.100.20 Carbon materials      碳素材料59.100.30 Aramide materials     聚芳基酰胺材料59.100.99 Other materials for the reinforcement of composites其他复合增强材料59.120 Textile machinery     纺织机械59.120.01 Textile machinery in general   纺织机械综合59.120.10    Spinning,   twisting and texturing machines   纺纱、加捻和卷曲变形机械59.120.20 Winding machines and equipment   络纱机器和设备59.120.30 Looms. Weaving machines    织机、织造机器59.120.40 Knitting machines     针织机械59.120.50 Dying and finishing equipment   印染和整理机械设备59.120.99 Other textile machinery    其他纺织机械59.140 Leather technology     皮革技术59.140.01 Leather technology in general   皮革技术综合59.140.10 Processes and auxiliary materials   加工和辅助材料59.140.20 Raw   skins,   hides and pelts   原皮、生皮和毛皮59.140.30 Leather and furs    皮革和裘皮59.140.35 Leather products     皮革制品59.140.40 Machines and equipment for leather and fur production皮革和毛皮加工机械和设备59.140.99 Other standards related to leather technology  有关皮革技术的其他标准61 CLOTHING INDUSTRY      服装工业61.020 Clothes       服装61.040 Headgear. Clothing accessories. Fastening of clothing  帽子、服饰品、衣扣61.060 Footwear         鞋袜61.080 Sewing machines and other equipment for the clothing industry 服装工业用缝纫机和其他设备65 AGRICULTURE         农业65.020 Farming and forestry       农业和林业65.020.01 Farming and forestry in general     农业和林业综合65.020.20 Plant growing        植物栽培65.020.30 Animal husbandry and breeding      动物饲养和繁殖65.020.40 Landscaping and silviculture       绿化和造林65.020.99 Other standards related to farming and forestry   其他有关农业和林业的标准65.040 Farm   buildings,   structures and installations      农用建筑物、结构和装置65.040.01 Farm buildings and installations in general    农用建筑物和装置综合65.040.10 Livestock   buildings,   installations and equipment      家畜建筑物、装置和设备65.040.20 Buildings and installations for processing and storage of agricultural produce农产品加工和贮存用建筑物和装置65.040.30 Greenhouses and other installations      温室和其他装置65.040.99 Other standards related to farm buildings and installations  有关农用建筑物和装置的其他标准65.060 Agricultural   machines,   implements and equipment      农业机械、工具和设备65.060.01 Agricultural machines and equipment in general  农业机械和设备综合65.060.10 Agricultural tractors and trailed vehicles   农业拖拉机和牵引车辆65.060.20 Soil-working equipment      耕作机械65.060.25 Equipment for   storage,   preparation and distribution of fertilizers 肥料储存、制备和播撒设备65.060.30 Sowing and planting equipment    播种和种植设备65.060.35 Irrigation and drainage equipment    灌溉和排放设备65.060.40 Plant care equipment     植保设备65.060.50 Harvesting equipment      收获设备65.060.60 Viticultural and wine-making equipment    葡萄栽培和酿酒设备65.060.70 Horticultural equipment      园艺设备65.060.80 Forestry equipment      林业设备65.060.99 Other agricultural machines and equipment 其他农业机械和设备65.080 Fertilizers     肥料65.100 Pesticides and other agrochemicals  杀虫剂和其他农用化工产品65.100.01 Pesticides and other agrochemicals in general杀虫剂和其他农用化工产品综合65.100.10 Insecticides     杀虫剂65.100.20 Herbicides     除草剂65.100.30 Fungicides     杀真菌剂65.100.99 Other pesticides and agrochemicals  其他杀虫剂和农用化工产品65.120 Animal feeding stuffs   饲料65.140 Beekeeping     养蜂65.145 Hunting        狩猎65.150 Fishing and fish breeding     捕捞和水产养殖65.160    Tobacco,   tobacco products and related equipment    烟草、烟草制品和烟草工业设备67 FOOD TECHNOLOGY       食品技术67.020 Processes in the food industry    食品工艺67.040 food products in general     食品综合67.050 General methods of tests and analysis for food products食品试验和分析的一般方法67.060    Cereals,   pulses and derived products     谷物、豆类及其制品67.080 Fruits. Vegetables       水果、蔬菜及其制品67.080.01 Fruits. Vegetables and derived products in general  水果、蔬菜及其制品综合67.080.10 Fruits and derived products     水果及其制品67.080.20 Vegetables and derived products     蔬菜及其制品67.100 Milk and milk products     奶和奶制品67.100.01 Milk and milk products in general   奶和奶制品综合67.100.10 Milk and processed milk products    奶及加工奶产品67.100.20 Butter        奶油67.100.30 Cheese乳酪67.100.40 Ice cream and ice confectionery  冰淇淋和果冻67.100.99 Other milk products    其他奶制品67.120    Meat,   meat products and other animal produce 肉、肉制品和其他动物类食品67.120.01 animal produce in general   动物制品综合67.120.10 Meat and meat products肉和肉制品67.120.20 Poultry and eggs 家禽和蛋67.120.30 Fish and fishery products鱼和水产品67.120.99 Other animal produce 其他动物制品67.140 Tea. Coffee. Cocoa 茶、咖啡、可可67.140.10 Tea   茶67.140.20 Coffee and coffee substitutes咖啡和咖啡代用品67.140.30 Cocoa   可可67.160 Beverages   饮料67.160.01 Beverages in general 饮料综合67.160.10 Alcoholic beverages  酒精饮料67.160.20 Non-alcoholic beverages  无酒精饮料67.180 Sugar. Sugar products. Starch糖、糖制品、淀粉67.180.10 Sugar and sugar products糖和糖制品67.180.20 Starch and derived products淀粉及衍生制品67.190 Chocolate   巧克力67.200 Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds 食用油和脂肪、含油种子67.200.10 Animal and vegetable fats and oils动物和植物的脂肪和油67.200.20 Oilseeds     含油种子67.220 Spices and condiments. Food additives 香料和调料、食品添加剂67.220.10 Spices and condiments   香料和调料67.220.20 Food additives    食品添加剂67.230 Prepackaged and prepared foods  预包装食品和精制食品67.240 Sensory analysis     感观分析67.250 Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs与食品接触的物品与材料67.260 Plants and equipment for the food industry食品工业厂房和设备71 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY     化工技术71.020 Production in the chemical industry  化工生产71.040 Analytical chemistry     分析化学71.040.01 Analytical chemistry in general   分析化学综合71.040.10 Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment   化学实验室、实验室设备71.040.20 Laboratory ware and related apparatus  实验室器皿和有关仪器71.040.30 Chemical reagents     化学试剂71.040.40 Chemical analysis     化学分析71.040.50 Physicochemical methods of analysis   物理化学分析方法71.040.99 Other standards related to analytical chemistry 有关化学分析方法的其他标准71.060 Inorganic chemicals     无机化学71.060.01 Inorganic chemicals in general无机化学综合71.060.10 Chemical elements  化学元素71.060.20 Oxides   氧化物71.060.30 Acids   酸71.060.40 Bases   碱71.060.50 Salts   盐71.060.99 Other inorganic chemicals 其他无机化学71.080 Organic chemicals  有机化学71.080.01 Organic chemicals in general有机化学综合71.080.10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons  脂族烃71.080.15 Aromatic hydrocarbons  芳香烃71.080.20 Halogenated hydrocarbons  卤代烃71.080.30 Organic nitrogen compounds 有机氮化物71.080.40 Organic acids   有机酸71.080.50 Anhydrides    酐71.080.60 Alcohols. Ethers   醇、醚71.080.70 Esters    脂类71.080.80 Aldehydes and ketones  醛和酮71.080.90 Phenols    酚71.080.99 Other organic chemicals  其他有机化学71.100 Products of the chemical industry化工产品71.100.01 Products of the chemical industry in general化工产品综合71.100.10 Materials for aluminium production   铝生产用材料71.100.20 Gases for industrial application   工业气体71.100.30 Explosives. Pyrotechnics     爆炸物、烟火71.100.35 Chemicals for industrial and domestic disinfection purposes工业和家庭用化学品71.100.40 Surface active agents    表面活性剂及其他助剂71.100.45 Refrigerants and antifreezes    制冷剂和防冻液71.100.50 Wood-protecting chemicals     木材防护化学药品71.100.55 Silicones      硅树脂71.100.60 Essential oils     香精油71.100.70 Cosmetics. Toiletries     美容品、化妆品71.100.80 Chemicals for purification of water  水净化用化学试剂71.100.99 Other products of the chemical industry 其他化工产品71.120 Equipment for the chemical industry  化工设备71.120.01 Equipment for the chemical industry in general化工设备综合71.120.10 Reaction vessels and their components  反应容器及其组件71.120.20 Columns     蒸馏塔71.120.30 Heat exchangers    热交换器71.120.99 Other equipment for the chemical industry其他化工设备73 MINING AND MINERALS采矿和矿产品73.020 Mining and quarrying采矿和挖掘73.040 Coals     煤73.060 Metalliferous minerals    金属矿73.060.01 Metalliferous minerals in general  金属矿综合73.060.10 Iron ores    铁矿73.060.20 Manganese ores    锰矿73.060.30 Chromium ores    铬矿73.060.40 Aluminium ores    铝矿73.060.99 Other metalliferous minerals   其他金属矿73.080 Non-metalliferous minerals    非金属矿73.100 Mining equipment    采矿设备73.100.01 Mining equipment in general  采矿设备综合73.100.10 Tunnelling and tubbing equipment  巷道掘进和敷设管道设备73.100.20    Ventilation,   air-conditioning and illumination equipment  通风、空调和照明设备73.100.30 Equipment for drilling and mine excavation钻井和挖掘设备73.100.40 Haulage and hoisting equipment  牵引和起重设备73.100.99 Other mining equipment   其他采矿设备73.120 Equipment for processing of minerals   矿产加工设备75 PETROLEUM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES    石油及相关技术75.020 Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas石油和天然气的开采与加工75.040 Crude petroleum      原油75.060 Natural gas      天然气75.080 Petroleum products in general    石油产品综合75.100    Lubricants,   industrial oils and related products   润滑剂、工业油及相关产品75.120 Hydraulic fluids      液压液75.140    Waxes,   bituminous materials and other petroleum products  石蜡、沥青材料和其他石油产品75.160 Fuels        燃料75.160.01 Fuels in general      燃料综合75.160.10 Solid fuels       固体燃料75.160.20 Liquid fuels       液体燃料75.160.30 Gaseous fuels       气体燃料75.180 Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries  石油和天然气工业设备75.180.01 Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries in general石油和天然气工业设备综合75.180.10 Exploratory and extraction equipment     勘探和钻采设备75.180.20 Processing equipment       加工设备75.180.30 Volumetric equipment and measurements     容积测量和容积设备75.180.99 Other equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries 其他石油和天然气设备75.200 Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipment  石油产品和天然气储运设备77 METALLURGY     冶金77.020 Production of metals   金属生产77.040 Testing of metals   金属材料试验77.040.01 Testing of metals in general 金属材料试验综合77.040.10 Mechanical testing of metals  金属材料力学试验77.040.20 Non-destructive testing of metals  金属材料无损检测77.040.30 Chemical analysis of metals  金属材料化学分析77.040.99 Other methods of testing of metals金属材料的其他试验方法77.060 Corrosion of metals   金属的腐蚀77.080 Ferrous metals    黑色金属77.080.01 Ferrous metals in general  黑色金属综合77.080.10 Irons     铁77.080.20 Steels     钢77.100 Ferroalloys     铁合金77.120 Non-ferrous metals    有色金属77.120.01 Non-ferrous metals in general 有色金属综合77.120.10 Aluminium and aluminium alloys 铝和铝合金77.120.20 Magnesium and magnesium alloys 镁和镁合金77.120.30 Copper and copper alloys 铜和铜合金77.120.40    Nickel,   chromium and their alloys 镍、铬及其合金77.120.50 Titanium and titanium alloys 钛和钛合金77.120.60    Lead,     zinc,   tin and their alloys  铅、锌、锡及其合金77.120.70    Cadmium,   cobalt and their alloys   镉、钴及其合金77.120.99 Other non-ferrous metals and their alloys 其他有色金属及其合金77.140 Iron and steel products   钢铁产品77.140.01 Iron and steel products in general 钢铁产品综合77.140.10 Heat-treatable steels     热处理钢77.140.15 Steels for reinforcement of concrete  混凝土增强用钢77.140.20 Stainless steels     不锈钢77.140.25 Spring steels     弹簧钢77.140.30 Steels for pressure purposes   承压钢77.140.35 Tool steels     工具钢77.140.40 Steels with special magnetic properties  特殊磁性钢77.140.45 Non-alloyed steels     非合金钢77.140.50 Flat steel products and semi-products  扁平钢和半成品77.140.60 Steel bars and rods   钢棒和钢条77.140.65 Steel   wire,   wire ropes and link chains 钢丝、钢丝绳和环节链77.140.70 Steels profiles     型钢77.140.75 Steels pipes and tubes for specific use特殊用管钢77.140.80 Iron and steel castings   钢铁铸件77.140.85 Iron and steel forgings   钢铁锻件77.140.99 Other iron and steel products  其他钢铁产品77.150 Products of non-ferrous metals  有色金属产品77.150.01 Products of non-ferrous metals in general有色金属产品综合77.150.10 Aluminium products    铝产品77.150.20 Magnesium products    锰产品77.150.30 Copper products    铜产品77.150.40 Nickel and chromium products  镍和铬产品77.150.50 Titanium products    钛产品77.150.60    Lead,   zinc and tin products  铅、锌和锡产品77.150.70 Cadmium and cobalt products  镉和钴产品77.150.99 Other products of non-ferrous metals 其他有色金属产品77.160 Powder metallurgy    粉末冶金77.180 Equipment for the metallurgical industry 冶金设备79 WOOD TECHNOLOGY    木材技术79.020 Wood technology processes   木材加工技术79.040    Wood,   sawlogs and sawn timber  木材、原木和锯材79.060 Wood-based panels    木基板材79.060.01 Wood-based panels in general木基板材综合79.060.10 Plywood   胶合板79.060.20 Fibre and particle boards纤维和刨花板79.060.99 Other wood-based panels 其他木基板材79.080 Semi-manufactures of timber 半成品材79.100 cork and cork products软木和软木制品79.120 Woodworking equipment  木工设备79.120.01 Woodworking equipment in general木工设备综合79.120.10 Woodworking machines  木工机械79.120.20 Woodworking tools  木工工具79.120.99 Other woodworking equipment 其他木工设备81 GLASS AND CERAMICS INDUSTRIES   玻璃和陶瓷工业81.020 Processes in the glass and ceramics industries玻璃和陶瓷生产工艺81.040 Glass      玻璃81.040.01 Glass in general    玻璃综合81.040.10 Raw materials and raw glass  原材料和未加工的玻璃81.040.20 Glass in building    建筑玻璃81.040.30 Glass products     玻璃产品81.060 Ceramics      陶瓷81.060.01 Ceramics in general    陶瓷综合81.060.10 Raw materials     原料81.060.20 Ceramic products      陶瓷制品81.060.30 Advanced ceramics      高级陶瓷81.060.99 Other standards related to ceramics   有关陶瓷的其他制品81.080 Refractories       耐火材料81.100 Equipment for the glass and ceramics industries 玻璃和陶瓷生产设备83 RUBBER AND PLASTIC INDUSTRIES    橡胶和塑料工业83.020 Manufacturing processes in the rubber and plastics industries橡胶和塑料工业的生产工艺83.040 Raw materials for rubber and plastics  橡胶原料和塑料原料83.040.01 Raw materials for rubber and plastics in general橡胶原料和塑料原料综合83.040.10 Latex and raw rubber    胶乳和生橡胶83.040.20 Rubber compounding ingredients     橡胶合成配料83.040.30 Auxiliary materials and additives for plastics  塑料的辅料和添加剂83.060 Rubber       橡胶83.080 Plastics       塑料83.080.01 Plastics in general     塑料综合83.080.10 Thermosetting materials      热固性塑料83.080.20 Thermoplastic materials热塑性塑料83.100 Cellular materials    泡沫材料83.120 Reinforced plastics    增强塑料83.140 Rubber and plastics products  橡胶和塑料制品83.140.01 Rubber and plastics products in general橡胶和塑料制品综合83.140.10 Films and sheets    薄膜和薄板83.140.20 Laminated sheets     层压薄板83.140.30 Plastics   pipes,   fittings and valves   塑料管、配件和阀门83.140.40 Hoses      软管83.140.50 Seals      密封件83.140.99 Other rubber and plastics products  其他橡胶和塑料制品83.160 Tyres      轮胎83.160.01 Tyres in general    轮胎综合83.160.10 Road vehicle tyres    道路车辆轮胎83.160.20 aircraft tyres     飞机轮胎83.160.30 Tyres for agricultural machinery   农业机械用轮胎83.160.99 Other tyres     其他轮胎83.180 Adhesives      粘合剂和胶粘产品83.200 Equipment for the rubber and plastics industries橡胶和塑料工业设备85 PAPER TECHNOLOGY     造纸技术85.020 Paper production processes    纸生产工艺85.040 Pulps    纸浆85.060 Paper and board  纸和纸板85.080 Paper products   纸制品85.100 Equipment for the paper industry造纸工业设备87 PAINT AND COLOUR INDUSTRIES 涂料和颜料工业87.020 Paint coating processes  涂覆工艺87.040 Paints and varnishes  涂料和清漆87.060 Paint ingredients  涂料配料87.060.01 Paint ingredients in general涂料配料综合87.060.10 Pigments and extenders 颜料和填充剂87.060.20 Binders   涂料粘合剂87.060.30 Solvents   溶剂87.060.99 Other paint ingredients 其他涂料配料87.080 Inks. Printing inks 墨水、油墨87.100 Paint coating equipment 涂料涂覆设备91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND BUILDING建筑材料和建筑物91.010 Construction industry  建筑工业91.010.01 Construction industry in general建筑工业综合91.010.10 Legal aspects  法律方面91.010.20 Contractual aspects  合同方面91.010.30 Technical aspects  技术方面91.010.99 Other aspects   其他方面91.020 Physical planning. Town planning 自然规划、城市规划91.040 Buildings    建筑物91.040.01 Buildings in general  建筑物综合91.040.10 Public buildings   公共建筑物91.040.20 Buildings for commerce and industry商业和工业建筑物91.040.30 Residential buildings   住宅建筑物91.040.99 Other buildings   其他建筑物91.060 Elements of buildings  建筑构件91.060.01 Elements of buildings in general建筑构件综合91.060.10 Walls. Partitions. Facades  墙、隔墙、房屋正面91.060.20 Roofs    屋顶91.060.30 Ceilings. Floors. Stairs  天花板、地板、楼梯91.060.40    Chimneys,     shafts,   ducts   烟囱、竖井、通风道91.060.50 Doors and windows  门窗91.060.99 Other elements of buildings 建筑物的其他构件91.080 Structures of buildings  建筑物结构91.080.01 Structures of buildings in general建筑结构综合91.080.10 Metal structures   金属结构91.080.20 Timber structures   木结构91.080.30 Masonry    砖石结构91.080.40 Concrete structures     混凝土结构91.080.99 Other structures     其他结构91.090 External structures     外围建筑物91.100 Construction materials     建筑材料91.100.01 Construction materials in general   建筑材料综合91.100.10 Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar   水泥、石膏、石灰、砂浆91.100.15 Mineral materials and products   矿物材料和产品91.100.25 Ceramic building products    陶瓷建筑制品91.100.30 Concrete and concrete products   混凝土和混凝土制品91.100.40 Products in fibre-reinforced cement   纤维增强水泥制品91.100.50 Binders. Sealing materials    粘合料、密封材料91.100.60 Thermal and sound insulating materials  隔声和绝热材料91.100.99 Other construction materials    其他建筑材料91.120 Protection of and in buildings  建筑物的防护91.120.01 Protection of and in buildings in general建筑物的防护综合91.120.10 Thermal insulation     绝热91.120.20 Acoustics in building. Sound insulation.建筑物声学、隔音91.120.25 Seismic and vibration protection 地震和防振91.120.30 Waterproofing    防水91.120.40 Lightning protection       雷电防护91.120.99 Other standards related to protection of and in buildings有关建筑物防护的其他标准91.140 Installations in buildings  建筑物中的设施91.140.01 Installations in buildings in general建筑物中的设施综合91.140.10 Central heating systems  中央供热系统91.140.30 Ventilation and air-conditioning systems 通风和空调系统91.140.40 Gas supply systems  供气系统91.140.50 Electricity supply systems  供电系统91.140.60 Water supply systems  供水系统91.140.65 Water heating equipment  水加热设备91.140.70 Sanitary installations   卫生设备91.140.80 Drainage systems   下水道系统91.140.90 Lifts. Escalators   电梯、自动扶梯91.140.99 Other installations in building 其他建筑物中的设施91.160 Lighting    照明91.160.01 Lighting in general  照明综合91.160.10 Interior lighting   室内照明91.160.20 Exterior building lighting  室外照明91.180 Interior finishing    内部装修91.190 Building accessories    建筑附件91.200 Construction technology    施工技术91.220 Construction equipment    施工设备93 CIVIL ENGINEERING    土木工程93.010 Civil engineering in general  土木工程综合93.020 Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works土方工程、挖掘、地基构造、地下工程93.030 External sewage systems   外部污水排放系统93.040 Bridge construction    桥梁建筑93.060 Tunnel construction    隧道建筑93.080 Road engineering    道路工程93.080.01 Road engineering in general  道路工程综合93.080.10 Road construction    道路建筑93.080.20 Road construction materials   道路建筑材料93.080.30 Road equipment and installations  道路设备和装置93.080.40 Street lighting and related equipment 街道照明和有关设备93.080.99 Other standards related to road engineering有关道路工程的其他标准93.100 Construction of railways   铁路建筑93.110 Construction of ropeways   架空索道的建造93.120 Construction of airports   飞机场建筑93.140 Construction of waterways and ports 航道和港口建筑93.160 Hydraulic construction      水利建筑95 MILITARY ENGINEERING      军事工程95.020 Military engineering. Military affairs. Weapons   军事工程、军事物资、武器97 DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT. ENTERTAINMENT. SPORTS  家用和商用设备、文娱、体育97.020 Home economics in general    家政97.030 Domestic electrical appliances in general   家用电气设备综合97.040 Kitchen equipment      厨房设备97.040.01 Kitchen equipment in general    厨房设备综合97.040.10 Kitchen furniture      厨房家具97.040.20 Cooking   ranges,   working   tables,   ovens and similar appliances 炉灶、工作台、烤箱和类似器具97.040.30 Domestic refrigerating appliances     家用制冷设备97.040.40 Dishwashers       洗碗机97.040.50 Small kitchen appliances     厨房小器具97.040.60    Cookware,   cutlery and flatware     烹调用器皿、刀具和餐具97.040.99 Other kitchen equipment     其他厨房设备97.060 Laundry appliances    洗衣设备97.080 Floor treatment appliance   地板处理设备97.100    Domestic,   commercial and industrial heating appliances 家用、商用和工业用加热器具97.100.01 Heating appliances in general  加热器具综合97.100.10 Electric heaters    电加热器97.100.20 Gas heaters    气体加热器97.100.30 Solid fuel heaters   固体燃料加热器97.100.40 Liquid fuel heaters   液体燃料加热器97.100.99 Heaters using other sources of energy使用其他能源的加热器97.120 Automatic controls for household use 家用自动控制装置97.130 Shop fittings    商店设施97.130.01 Shop fittings in general  商店设施综合97.130.10 Shelving     搁板97.130.20 Commercial refrigerating appliances   商用制冷设备97.130.30 Trolleys for supermarket purposes  超级市场用手推车97.130.99 Other shop fittings   其他商店设施97.140 Furniture     家具97.145 Ladders     梯子97.150 Non-textile floor coverings   铺地非织物97.160 Home textiles. Linen   家用织物、亚麻织物97.170 Body care equipment   人体保健器具97.180 Miscellaneous domestic and commercial equipment 其他家用和商用设备97.190 Equipment for children  儿童用器具97.195 Items of art and handicrafts艺术和手工艺品97.200 Equipment for entertainment  文娱活动设备97.200.01 Equipment for entertainment in general文娱活动设备综合97.200.10    Theatre,   stage and studio equipment 剧院、舞台和演播室设备97.200.20 Musical instruments    乐器97.200.30 Camping equipment and camp-sites  野营设备和营地97.200.40 Playgrounds     游戏场97.200.50 Toys     玩具97.200.99 Other equipment for entertainment  其他文娱活动设备97.220 Sports equipment and facilities  运动设备和设施97.220.01 Sports equipment and facilities in general运动设备和设施综合97.220.10 Sport facilities    运动设施97.220.20 Winter sports equipment   冬季运动设备97.220.30 Indoor sports equipment   室内运动设备97.220.40 Outdoor and water sports equipment 室外和水上运动设备97.220.99 Other sports equipment and facilities 其他运动设备和设施

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